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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque leo elit, consequat non suscipit vitae, malesuada non ex. Quisque sodales risus sapien, ac congue nibh auctor sed. Sed vel velit ligula. Proin tempor ligula nisl, eget faucibus leo scelerisque sit amet. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Ut feugiat in odio et semper. Etiam vulputate urna id euismod facilisis. Duis dignissim nunc elit, eget tempor sapien suscipit non. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas elementum blandit nunc eget volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla a est enim. Aenean non fringilla metus. Nullam eleifend pulvinar tempor.

Vivamus lacus ante, convallis eget malesuada eu, ultricies a metus. Nulla tempor, ex a convallis viverra, nunc orci viverra purus, in elementum sapien nunc at lectus. Nunc sed augue at leo hendrerit ultricies id efficitur purus. Mauris venenatis augue facilisis, varius nunc ut, tincidunt tellus. Nam finibus ex mauris, at fringilla tellus posuere aliquam. In id metus augue. Maecenas feugiat magna a neque dapibus, sed vehicula dolor dictum. Duis rhoncus tincidunt lacus ut tristique. Cras convallis eros quis efficitur elementum. Proin vestibulum mauris in quam tempus, a lacinia ipsum varius. Quisque enim ante, scelerisque vitae nulla tristique, semper dapibus purus. Fusce quam velit, sodales vitae ultricies vitae, lacinia et dolor. Aliquam mattis nibh lobortis sem ultricies varius. Duis sagittis dignissim velit. Sed tincidunt tincidunt justo, non aliquet massa bibendum id. Phasellus ut odio ac odio pellentesque posuere.

Nam nec nulla auctor odio faucibus rutrum. Aenean ipsum augue, faucibus sit amet diam id, ullamcorper pulvinar felis. Etiam rhoncus ac risus id placerat. Sed vehicula condimentum neque, sed eleifend urna. Praesent congue sapien eros, nec volutpat metus cursus non. Vivamus porttitor rhoncus dui sed elementum. Ut gravida iaculis mauris. Donec vitae maximus dolor, at pretium tellus. Nam convallis id lectus pellentesque posuere. Vestibulum porta mi ex, sed consequat magna sagittis id. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque eget pretium tellus, at venenatis dui. In convallis, nisl ac vehicula euismod, mi eros tempus lectus, eu pellentesque elit massa ac arcu. Phasellus quis dignissim erat. Mauris vitae interdum massa.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam et sodales ex. Phasellus ac nulla purus. Fusce efficitur lacinia tristique. Fusce volutpat justo eu fermentum venenatis. Curabitur vitae elit sit amet velit interdum ornare sed interdum mi. Cras vel velit placerat, suscipit augue quis, tincidunt lacus. Morbi nec eros eget lorem eleifend maximus. Phasellus vitae volutpat nibh, nec pretium nisl. Ut id nibh auctor nisl maximus luctus nec in augue. Phasellus non nisl laoreet, rhoncus odio cursus, maximus turpis. Phasellus vehicula eget metus quis sodales. Phasellus tristique erat finibus finibus commodo.

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AI-powered water heater could banish cold showers and carbon pollution 6

Chances are you’ve been there: Your formerly hot shower suddenly turns cold, darkening your mood in the process.

Maybe someone in your household took an extra shower or you did a few too many loads of laundry. It’s a classic case of supply not meeting demand. Michael Rigney thinks he can predict when a household will need more hot water, eliminating cold showers without turning to expensive alternatives like on-demand water heaters.

Rigney’s quest started a few years ago when he began researching water heating. What he saw “was really eye opening,” Rigney told TechCrunch in a recent interview.

The basic technology behind most water heaters, whether they’re gas or electric, hasn’t changed much in several decades. They might be cheap to buy, but they’re not cheap to run.

Heat pump water heaters have started to change that for many homeowners, improving efficiency and lowering utility bills. But even there, “I saw a tremendous opportunity for improvement,” Rigney said.

He founded Cala Systems in Boston in 2020 as heat pump water heaters were beginning to take off. Because of that shift, he said, “there was an entrepreneurial opportunity to build the best heat pump water heater.”

Water heaters tend to be fairly straightforward appliances: At their core, they have three basic parts: an insulated tank, a heating element and a thermostat. Most people set the temperature once and forget it; on rare occasions, they might set it a bit higher when overnight guests arrive. As hot water is drawn from the tank, cold water replaces it, driving down the temperature inside. When the temp gets low enough, the thermostat tells the heater to turn on.

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AI-powered water heater could banish cold showers and carbon pollution

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AI-powered water heater could banish cold showers and carbon pollution 5

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AI-powered water heater could banish cold showers and carbon pollution 4

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AI-powered water heater could banish cold showers and carbon pollution 3

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AI-powered water heater could banish cold showers and carbon pollution 2

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